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GRC 2022 -英雄形象2

General Rate Case 2022- Year 1




We understand that no one likes rate increases. 但是,它们对于现在和将来保持可靠、高质量的水的流动至关重要. Let’s take a closer look at the General Rate Case for 2022-2024.

10月6日, 2022, 加州公用事业委员会(CPUC)批准了SJW的一般费率案例(GRC),涵盖2022-2024年. To cover the cost of providing high quality and reliable water service, the CPUC approved a revenue increase of 6.2022年为03%. 2023年和2024年的费率和收入将根据授权的公用事业工厂投资和前一年消费者价格指数的预测变化来确定. Your bill may not reflect this exact percentage.

重要的是, 该GRC决定包括3.5亿美元的三年资本预算,用于支付基础设施改善所需的费用,以维护客户现在和未来的弹性系统. 对供水系统的持续投资对保护公众健康至关重要, supporting economic development, and delivering a high quality of life for our customers and communities. 最近来自美国各地的头条新闻表明,缺乏对水利基础设施的投资可能会导致重大问题.

新 usage tiers and service charges

住宅用户的水费根据他们的使用量收取不同的费用. The new rate tiers have expanded the lower use tiers with lower 利率. 1级和2级(每月使用少于12个CCFs的住宅客户)将看到 较低的 而第三级,即每月使用超过12个CCFs或单位水的人,将看到 更高的 利率. This helps promote conservation by encouraging lower water use. One CCF = 100 cubic feet = 748 gallons of water.

新 Usage Tiers for GRC 2022


Service Charges per Meter per Month (All 利率 will be available on our 计费计划页面.)

GRC 2022 - 新 Charges for Meters

服务费的目的是收回公司授权收入的一部分. 新费率反映55%的收入来自数量收费,45%的收入来自服务费. In the past, the ratio was 60%/40%.

Impact of delayed CPUC decision

SJW filed the GRC application in January 2021 for the years 2022 (Year 1), 2023年(二年级), 及2024年(第三年级). No decision on the application was received until October 6, 2022, well into Year 1 of the three-year rate case. 通常, CPUC的决定在第一年的1月1日之前收到,因此该年度的费率可以立即实施.

由于延迟,短期内将会有多次利率变动. SJW将于11月提交申请,从2023年1月1日起实施第二年的加薪.

How will this affect my bill?

11月1日生效, 2022, new 利率 will go into effect and cover the following CPUC-approved increases.

  • Service Charge – based on meter size
  • Quantity Charge – based on water used
  • Balancing Accounts Surcharge
  • Memorandum Accounts Surcharge

几周后,CPUC批准的临时费率附加费将生效. This surcharge is designed to recover revenue retroactive to January 1, 2022, and is anticipated to be approximately $3 per month.


对于一个典型的住宅用户,用3/4英寸的水表使用11 CCF的水, 如下图所示,他们每月的账单将增加1美元或1%多一点.  

List of old and new 利率 after GRC 2022 decision


These amounts include utility taxes, which are only applicable to customers in San Jose, and the CPUC fee which are applicable to all customers. 如果你的消费超过或少于11 CCF,每月的帐单会有所不同. 


Please note that bills dated November 1, 2022 and t在这里after will include the new 利率 without proration. 由于延误, these 利率 are retroactively effective to January 1, 2022 and thus can be applied immediately. 任何在十一月一日之前以旧差饷缴付的耗电量,将会重新计算及计入中期差饷附加费. As such, prorating the bill is not necessary. 此外, 由于费率和费率等级的变化,按比例计算会产生一份非常令人困惑的账单. 新 计费安排 will be available online for your reference.   

In addition, new 利率 for Year 2 will be effective Jan. 1, 2023.



What’s the purpose of the General Rate Case (GRC) revenue increase?



What is the Interim Surcharge?

This surcharge is a temporary rate increase anticipated to last 24 months. 通常情况下,您将从2022年1月1日开始被收取新费率. Because of the CPUC delay, this is beginning November 1 instead. The surcharge is a way to “make up” the 10 months of not having an increase. 

What is SJW doing with the rate increase monies?

提供安全, 可靠的供水服务需要对自1866年以来一直运行的系统进行重大的基础设施升级. SJW has a strong history of investing in its storage tanks, 管道, 处理工厂, water quality technology and other infrastructure. 随着时间的推移,由于系统故障,推迟在这些领域的投资只会增加成本. SJW每年投资超过1亿美元来维护平台登录的系统,以便平台登录可以为平台登录社区的100多万人提供服务. Learn more about our infrastructure projects at 2cmt.budzgreenshop.com/infrastructure.


重要的是, 最终决定认可了SJW在CPUC 2019年2月的《平台登录》中为实现环境与社会正义(ESJ)目标所做的努力. 具体地说, 它认可了平台登录通过以下方式为包括ESJ社区成员在内的所有客户提供服务的努力:

  • 透过加速车辆电气化,减少温室气体排放, 绿色能源发电, and continued optimization of our energy reduction program;
  • Replacement of lead service lines;
  • 对供应给最脆弱人群的部分地下水进行氟化处理;
  • Investments to improve water quality; and,
  • Mitigation of the wildland fuel hazard through our Wildfire Mitigation Plan.

How often is a General Rate Case (GRC)?

SJW is regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). Every three years, SJW goes through the General Rate Case (GRC) process. 在此期间,CPUC对接下来三年的费率做出决定. Learn more about the GRC process 在这里.

Why such a big increase in Year 1 of the three-year rate decision?

CPUC adopted a three-year rate cycle for Class A Water Utilities.  像SJWC这样的A级水务公司只能每三年以一般费率备案的形式进入,以更新费用和资本改善预测.  The CPUC has set rules and guideline on how to conduct such forecasts.  在一般情况下, 公用事业公司可以预测或要求额外的费用,直到GRC周期的测试年(或第一年).  第2年和第3年被称为升级年,通常根据CPUC批准的最新因素进行调整. 

What if I am having trouble paying my bill?

We have a number of programs available to help:

Info about 付款 Plans - GRC 2022
Customer Assistance Plan - GRC 2022




利瓦普- GRC 2022




付款 plans can help avoid disconnection of your water service.

How will my new bill compare to my old one?

您的账单将反映加州公用事业委员会批准的新费率. Since each customer has different usage patterns, 计的大小, 城市税收要求, it’s not possible to provide an example for every customer.

然而,住宅用户平均每月使用11 CCF的水,并且有一个3/4英寸的水表. This is a comparison of the old and new 利率 for this customer. The increase is approximately $1 or 1%. 你的情况可能会有所不同.

List of old and new 利率 after GRC 2022 decision

Didn’t you just raise 利率 in July 2022?

This increase was due to Valley Water. San Jose Water does not retain any of the money.  当平台登录从大众的三个水处理厂之一购买进口水时,SJW支付给Valley Water, or when we pump groundwater from our wells. This is what we call a pass-through charge. 更多信息见: http://2cmt.budzgreenshop.com/valley-water-rate-increase-july-1-2022

What are balancing and memorandum accounts?

CPUC允许在GRC费用预测过程之外跟踪某些类型的费用.  这些费用通常是不寻常的费用,在进行GRC预测时是无法预见的.  SJW has to receive authorization to track and amortize these expenses.  GRC中的余额和备忘录账户金额是CPUC批准的许多此类账户/费用的组合.  因此在每一个GRC中, CPUC允许公司将所有的余额和备忘录账户合并在一起,并一次性摊销,以保持账户的最新状态.